Petition Against Safeway Tower

Image: artists against the towers

Further to my note of a couple of weeks ago regarding the growing opposition to a series of huge towers at Broadway and Commercial, the group now has a petition that I urge everyone to sign.

The petition can be found at

2 Responses to Petition Against Safeway Tower

  1. Nathan Davidowicz says:

    The problem is not much larger; we need a proper OCP ( Official Community Plan ) for the City of Vancouver. All other cities in BC have an OCP.

    Nathan Davidowicz

  2. jakking says:

    Whether an OCP is valuable is up for debate. However, while we don’t have one, we cannot just sit on our hands and let developers and their CoV lackeys run roughshod over our communities.

    On Feb 11 there is a public hearing for YET ANOTHER development in Grandview that completely ignores the GW Plan. The only certainty with such plans is that they will be ignored by the developers and the planners.

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