Calendar Date For Renters

January 11, 2021

The SFU Public Square is putting on a forum called “Towards a More Equitable Housing System: Is Vancouver a City for Renters?” It will be a ZOOM meeting on 21st January between 3:00pm and 5:00pm.

SFU’s description of the event:

Beginning in the early 1970s the percentage of Vancouver households living in rental units has been greater than 50%. Nevertheless, renters consistently face difficulties in finding housing that is adequate, stable and secure, with, in more recent years, rental affordability becoming a particularly challenging and detrimental issue for many households. While some in the city may strive for home ownership, data tells us that this possibility has become increasingly out of reach, even for those with moderate incomes.

Given the reality that a majority of Vancouverites will most likely continue to live in rental housing, what does this mean for the next generation, for seniors and families, for low-income, racialized and marginalized households, and for the many others who do not see a secure housing future in Vancouver?

How must the City of Vancouver think differently about housing and the housing market to better meet the needs of its residents, ensuring priority for those with the greatest need?

What is required of a new city-wide plan to ensure the urgent and transformative change necessary to establish an equitable housing system?

Join us to discuss these questions at the second event of The Future We Want: The Change We Need series.

There is an interesting range of speakers. Full details can be found at the SFU Public Square page.

Image: Coming and Going

January 11, 2021

Poem: Mayor’s Siesta

January 11, 2021


He snored.

And threads of thoughts of windy days

Rushed by like the rivers of Sierra de Ronda.


He turned.

And the heft and touch of the silken duvet

Slipped across his body like the soft waves of Estepona.


He slept.

And into his reverie the ringing telephone

Floated like a minor chord from a flamenco guitar.


He yawned.

And the dreamy grin of the old pepper merchant

Dissolved like tapas in the mouth of a hungry eater.


He answered.

And the sound of his hoarsely whispered “Ola?”

Crept across his chin like a shovel scraping tar.


He awoke.

And the everyday cares of the little village

Wrapped up his dreams like garbage and threw them afar.