Image: Bold Colour

December 21, 2020

Poem: Fog

December 21, 2020


The smog-laden tangerine fog

tinted by a million lamplights

lays heavy tonight;

the busy rustle of the city’s moves

lost in its depths

like the delicate harmonies of a dulcimer

played in the attic as heard in the basement.

Closer, much closer, I hear

the lazy rustle of the scorpion

picking carelessly at a pecan shell.

I blink in the orange darkness.



Winter is Here!

December 21, 2020

It is 2:02am and it is the winter solstice. Hooray!

From this day forward (or at least until June) every 24 hours has more daylight than the day before — about 2 minutes a day, or about 20 minutes added between now and New Year!

Almost makes a snowy Monday morning worthwhile, doesn’t it?