Congrats to CityHallWatch!

If you have any interest at all in what happens at Vancouver’s City Hall but are not following CityHallWatch then you are sorely missing out. Today, with their 3,033rd post they celebrate 10 years of solid reporting and analysis of Vancouver city politics.

“Common themes, always with a focus on our own municipal government, have been accountability, pro-transparency and anti-corruption, regulatory capture, the role of big money. We have tried to shine a light on things … We have tried to see where the dots connect, and to connect them. We’ve tried to deconstruct and understand the processes at City Hall. All of this, from a perspective of being outside the real estate and development industry, and outside of the government.”

Randy, Steve, and Gudrun do all this on a completely volunteer basis. We are truly lucky to have them, especially with a diminished media presence, especially at the community level.

Thank you!

One Response to Congrats to CityHallWatch!

  1. Ferry Seagull says:

    Excellent insights and better interpretation than the “now-secret” [= no reads City Hall web sites and news ] Vancouver government.

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