Chatting with the Donald and Family

August 3, 2020

Earlier this summer. I was somehow signed up for emails from the Trump Campaign. I didn’t mind — it is always useful to see what the enemy is saying.

Each of the emails — and I now have received 60 since 16th July when I started counting — is a request for money, a demand for money to save the country from the Socialist Hordes, a suggestion that giving money will have me meeting with the President or at least membership in something called the Trump Gold Card!

I receive all these emails because, as they write, I am one of Trump’s “most loyal supporters” and “as a most loyal Patriot.”  Lara Trump wrote to me that as “one of his most loyal allies … he wants to use this time to discuss a few key campaign strategies” with me.  On 21st July, my donation would gather an additional “600%” of matching funds. By the 30th, this had gone up to 700% plus entry into a draw for dinner with the President on 8th August.

On the 22nd July, I was told I had been “identified as one of the few Patriots who qualified for the Trump Donor Hall of Fame.  This is a HUGE accomplishment, Jak. Congratulations!”  And all that without donating a penny.  For just $35, I would get a “limited edition Freedom 2020 hat.”  And just a few days later I was described as |one of “the ones who have been there for me from the beginning and haven’t stopped since,” and I was therefore liable for immediate entry to the Trump Hall of Fame, for a small donation.  For just $75, I would get a signed copy of Don jr’s new book Liberal Privilege.

The next day I was a offered “a once in a lifetime opportunity” to become a 2020 Trump Platinum member.  For just $23, I could have “an Official Donald J. Trump Fine Point Marker – an exact replica of the pen” the Donald used to sign the executive order banning illegal aliens from the census count, and for $100 I could have a personalised photo of the President.  They didn’t say if he would be using his Fine Point Marker to sign the photograph.

By 1st August I was getting confused because I had been offered membership in Trump Exclusive, Trump Gold Card, and Trump Platinum Card.  Do I get all three, and a book and a hat and a pen and a signed photo?  It is like Christmas!  Not bad for someone who has and will donate nothing, who lives outside the USA, and who fills out the Trump surveys with what I REALLY feel about Trump.  Hard to imagine what those suckers who actually send money have to endure.


*  *  *

One last note, all the Trump emails have the same return address ( but there are various names of the sender in the header.  So far:

Donald J. Trump — 22 emails — 8

Official Trump Campaign — 6

Donald Trump jr. — 4

Bill Stepien, and Meet President Trump — 3 each

Eric Trump, Lara Trump, and Trump Match Alert — 2 each

And one each from Kimberley Guilfoyle, Trump Finance, Mike Pence, Trump Gold Card, Trump Founding Member, Trump Hall of Fame, Trump Platinum Card, and Trump Executive Member.

I just need emails from Ivanka and Melania to complete my set!


Image: Bands of Gold

August 3, 2020

Grandview 3rd August 1920

August 3, 2020

Province, 19200803, p.17

All previous Grandview 1920 clippings

Poem: Calculation

August 3, 2020


It’s the poor that give

to the poor.

Those who can actually afford it walk by

the outstretched hand and box

with sneering dismissal.


“Get a job,” they whisper under their peppermint breath,

knowing, as bosses,

they would never hire some bum

begging on a street corner.


“Have a nice day, anyway”


Spitting on a well-polished shoe

gets you six month’s jail time;

letting the poor starve

gets your picture in “Fortune”


Go figure.