Burn After Reading

Burn after reading is what you ought to do for every critic’s column that has damned the new Coen Brothers’ masterpiece with faint praise.

This is sublime movie-making at every level — writing, directing, casting, shooting — providing multiple treats for eye and brain.   “Burn AfterReading” has all the delight, wit and insight of early Woody Allen combined with the mature mid-career brilliance of Joel and Ethan Coen’s filmmaking.   In no other medium could so many plot lines be hung together so brilliantly in such a short span of time.

Bravo to the superb cast; and perhaps most of all to Brad Pitt who allowed himself to play a dorky character with such pizazz and joy.

It is amazing what a deep seated desire for plastic surgery can do!

3 Responses to Burn After Reading

  1. Brad Pitt can be so funny, as long as he’s not taking himself too seriously… i could see how this movie would make good use of his, habitual, spastic arm movements

  2. Craig says:

    Dude, sorry to disagree, but this movie was absolute crap. Was just a silly strung together mess of plot lines that simply didn’t go anywhere by the end of it all. Big waste of the Coen brothers’ talent if you ask me :(

  3. jakking says:

    To each his own. Thanks for the comment.

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